Private Lessons
Semester Tuition Rate $75/hr, $56.25/45 minutes, $37.50/30 Minutes
Tuition based on the number of lessons possible after lesson slot is selected, and every
effort is made to avoid conflicts with Dr. Shomper’s performing schedule. Average number of
lessons varies depending on the number of weeks in each semester, holidays, rehearsal
conflicts etc. Number of lessons per semester is on average between 12 and 15. Four make
up days allotted for each semester.
Pros: First choice at preferred time slot
Pros: Weekly time slot guaranteed for each semester.
Pros: A scheduling process that attempts to find a best possible fit for every student in
the studio each semester.
Pros: Access to studio portal
Pros: Lesson exchanges
Cons: Limited options for make up lessons
Cons: No guaranteed make up lessons.
Cons: Price for each semester is fixed - no refunds.
Individual Lesson Rate $100/hr, $75/45 minutes, $50/30 minutes
Pros: Schedule lessons at your convenience
Pros: No Semester commitments
Cons: No guaranteed time slots
Cons: Limited availability
Summer Lessons
Flexible options at the Tuition Rate!
Check out Group class options!